Art Commissions
If you have an art commissions project you’re looking to have created, let us help you with that. There are over 300 artist we have worked with and we should be able to find the right artist for you. Some art commissions we have done include:
- Self Portraits / Family Portraits / Pet Portraits
- Paintings of Celebrities
- Abstract Works with Specific Colour Tones
- Landscapes Mixing Key Monuments from Around the World
“Stephanie In Kimono” by Raymond Chow Female Portrait by Hu Jun “Dreamskeeper” by Pnina Granirer Self Portrait by Mark Sweatman “Tyson” by David Cho “Color of Silence” by Brian Minichiello
What’s the Process?
All you have to do to get started with the art commissions is to give us a call or send us an email and let us know what you’re envisioning for your painting.
If you’re looking to have a family portrait painted with a certain scenic background, that’s something we can help do for you. Each artist has a different style of art, so, just let us know which styles you like or which artists you like, and we’ll go through our artist database to show you the artists with the best match.
Pricing is also something to consider, so, let us know what price range you’re looking for so that we can suggest the best artists for the job. Usually, an artist with a reputable name has a higher price range than an artist who is emerging.
Sizing is another point to consider. Some artist work better in smaller sizes and other in larger. So, just let us know what size would be ideal for you and we’ll match you up with the artists who specialize in those sizes.
Completion time of the painting is also important to know. Some artists can finish a painting in a short amount of time whereas other take months to finish. Other artists have a line-up of people waiting for them to finish art commissions whereas others do not. So, this is also something necessary to consider for the art commissions.